<2023 KIM NAM GIL ‘AGAIN’ IN HONG KONG & SINGAPORE> Notice of Fan meeting Cancellation

2023.08.01 관리자
공지 2287

안녕하세요. 길스토리이엔티입니다.

9월, 10월에 홍콩과 싱가포르에서 예정했던 2023 김남길 글로벌 투어 ‘어게인’을 부득이하게 취소하게 되어 안내 말씀드립니다.

아티스트의 작품 촬영 일정으로 인하여 홍콩과 싱가포르에서 예정된 공연은 불가피하게 진행이 어렵게 되었습니다.

기대하셨을 팬 여러분의 깊은 양해 부탁드리며, 추후 더 좋은 자리에서 찾아뵐 것을 약속드리겠습니다.


Hello, This is Team GILSTORYENT.

We would like to inform you that the 2023 KIM NAM GIL Global Tour ‘Again’, which was scheduled for September and October in Hong Kong and Singapore, has inevitably been cancelled.

Due to the artist's filming schedule, Fan meeting in Hong Kong and Singapore were unavoidably difficult to proceed.

We ask for the deep understanding of the fans who have been looking forward to it, and we promise to meet you in a better place as soon as possible.
